You must select a free membership type from one of the categories listed below when you sign up for a profile
Free Membership Features: Free Profile, Access to Chat and Forums, post Pictures,Videos, and Music to your profile.
Escort type Ad are not allowed on this site

Free Membership Plans (limited access to some site areas, and member contacts)
If you want to be able to contact all members and have full access to all site area you'll need a
VIP Memberships, you must already have a free profile before you can upgrade to a VIP Membership.

Professional Female Talent: A female who is looking for work in any aspect of the adult industry.They cannot contact Male or TS Talent, Sign Up Now

Professional Male Talent: A male who is looking for work in any aspect of the adult industry. They cannot contact Female or TS Talent, Sign Up Now

Professional TS Talent: A transgendered who is looking for work in any aspect of the adult industry. They cannot contact Male or Female Talent, Sign Up Now

Employer: A company or individual that hires talent or provide services that talent or other employers or services can use. They can contact all Talent members. Sign Up Now

Technical/ General Services:
A company or individual that provide services that talent or other employers or services can use. They can contact all Talent and Employer members. Sign Up Now

If you want to be able to contact all members and have full access to all site areas you'll need a VIP Memberships,

Paid Membership Plans ( you must have a free membership before you can get a paid membership you must have a free membership before you can upgrade to a paid plans rates)

VIP Member: Any Paid subscriptions, full access to all area of the site, can contact all site members VIP Memberships

VIP Member with Banner Plan: Talent and Employer/Services members can get a banner plan, full access to all areas of the site, can contact all site members, Banner placement on main site pages VIP Memberships

Same as free membership, Can contact any site member no matter the member type with addition to posting in Classified, Message board and event sections of the site, post more photos, videos and music along with having your banner on site*, to view paid membership plans you must already have a free membership, Sign Up Now Free
You can select upgrades from your membership profile my setting section in your profile user menu after you log in.

*(depended upon purchase of a membership that includes banners)